Sunday 18 January 2009

All Talk 43 - Dumb Retail


I had a good dumb retail experience today. I was in the pet shop and asked if they had any cat food samples. So the 20 something counter girl says yes and asks the assistant 16 or 17 year old girl to get some, it's behind the door. So the other girl disappears behind the door and rummages around for a bit then comes back with a packet with a picture of a dog on it and says "Is this it?" so the other girl goes "No, the cat food ones have a picture of a cat on them." I said "Yes, it's the secret code." Cause of course the secret code of pet food is...


...A picture of the animal. "Got any parrot food?" she comes out with a huge bag with a picture of an Elephant on it.


I didn't get a smile.



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