Sunday, 18 January 2009

Marry Madonna - one of The Robb Report’s ’Ultimate Gifts’

Yes, the time of year has come again for the Dr. to indulge in his Robb Report Ultimate Gifts extravaganza - I always buy all of them, no matter how frivolous (that solo funding of the Russian Space Mission with my own chance to space walk - great fun but oh, how silly was that when I could have had two $300million dollar yachts instead). This year I'm especially looking forward to my $150,000 Gold Leaf MV Agusta shaped stocking, shame I don't have anywhere to ride it, but then again, you can't ride it without tarnishing the gold, so it's perfect for me after all. Also well worth the money is the $1.1 million trip to all 9 (yes, all 9) of Chef Daniel Boulud's restaurants, apparently they even throw in the meals for free!

But I wanted to let you in on the gifts that got away: I wouldn't have had the patience myself but the 'Marry Madonna' is available for about $30 million - time limited. Included in the Gift package is the chance to sire one child (when her schedule allows), adopt another and appear on the front page of magazines worldwide whilst receiving discounted tickets to many of her concerts.

If you fancy joining the American dash for Sports franchises, Arsenal FC in London is available for ownership at about $600 million, for that you get a well run London team combining an English Public School history with a distinct modern French Flavour - intelligence, artistic flair, but no lasting stomach for the fight.

Michael Jackson can be had for Barmitzvah's and Weddings for $4million, attendance not totally guaranteed but the inside word is that he's more likely to turn up for the Barmitzvah.

The one that always tempts but hasn't found any buyers since Jim Jones is the 'Formation Of a Religion Around You and Your Ideas'. It's a good price at $23 million, largely recouped by donations I might add, but the downsides are large. Martyrdom being the main one. There are whispers that for an extra $10 mill or so that Resurrection could be included in the Gift, but it's only been offered once before and it lasted just a few hours a day for a couple of weeks at mostly inconvenient times and locations not necessarily of the Gift purchasers choosing.

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