Sunday, 18 January 2009

All Talk 13 - Cooking with Delia, Lying To Children and Growing Pains



(beat) There's some quite, quite a lively group that family group over there.

Dr. Nostrum

They are aren't they, they've done a lot of...


Lot of running around...

Dr. Nostrum (this was the 'blind' girl's family)

...pretending and things.


Running around; star jumps; chasing; it's all a bit much for a Saturday afternoon really.

Dr. Nostrum

You think they're a family?


Yeah. Well there are two children and...

Dr. Nostrum

The woman doesn't look right.


... (unhappily noticing) three adults

Dr. Nostrum

The woman doesn't look right to me


That's the mother.

Dr. Nostrum

That's what I'm saying; she doesn't look right. (pause) She looks like a friend of the family rather than the mum. (pause) No, she must be the mum. (longer pause – he's not sure) She could be a friend rather than the mum.


Well which one, the black woman or the white woman?

Dr. Nostrum

No, the black girl is the daughter of the black guy. See, radio in black and white. Yes, anyway, um... You know, it's just describing; describing the unimportant.


No, no. They've got a free M&S cooler bag, I've sp.. I notice.

Dr. Nostrum

What do you get it free with?


You get it free with 5 or more deli items.

Dr. Nostrum



There you go, so for all those of you who haven't picked up their free cooler bag yet... Hummus; my top tip.

Dr. Nostrum

Oh, you know that was quite funny actually, as Harry Hill pointed out, one of Delia Smith's things where she's got the cheat ingredients stuff, you know, this new thing? One of those programmes was her making Hummus...



Dr. Nostrum

But why isn't that just one of your cheat ingredients?



Dr. Nostrum

It's nonsense, isn't it? Why cook anything?


Just buy it all from M&S.

Dr. Nostrum

Buy it all ready made! (pause) It doesn't make any sense that programme, you've got cheat ingredients but then you've got to go and make it yourself.


No, cause you want to pretend you've cooked for your dinner party guests. Jesus, can you imagine?

Dr. Nostrum



Serving up tinned lamb, tinned lamb mince...

Dr. Nostrum

Well, if it was the...

Hutchback a dinner party?

Dr. Nostrum

It depends on how troubled times are.


How difficult is it to get... (loses interest and settles on a very satisfying yawn)

Dr. Nostrum

And they played on the radio something about her explaining how to boil an egg and part of the explanation was the difference between water...


And oil.

Dr. Nostrum, no, the difference between the water not boiling and the water nearly boiling and she was describing this, you see.. when you see the water bubbling up, just slightly beginning to bubble, that's not boiling, just wait...



Dr. Nostrum

...for it


Wait! Just wait...

Dr. Nostrum start bubbling"...


...a little bit!

Dr. Nostrum

...she said wait till it starts bubbling vigorously across the surface of the whole water and that's when it's boiling



Dr. Nostrum

Because of course, you wouldn't know that, if you'd never grown up, really.


If you'd never been taught anything

Dr. Nostrum

Yeah, that's it. (pause) TV for...


Maybe our experiment should be to take an untutored boy (pause) of some age...

Dr. Nostrum

And teach them


...and teach them...

Dr. Nostrum

You mean, like having children?


...everything wrong.

Dr. Nostrum

What, like having children?


Er, yeah.

Dr. Nostrum

I like the idea of having children and teaching them nonsense. I'm quite, you know, like that Calvin and Hobbes stuff. I have a feeling that I would be very, very (pause) attracted to the idea of sending a kid off to school with his head full of absolute crap and then they said "Well, My dad said 'this'" and it's just complete nonsense.


Yeah, I mean, it's an amusing thought but rather unfair on the child.

Dr. Nostrum

I think my dad did it, somewhat, you know.



Dr. Nostrum

In some ways (pause0) he said he was a doctor and told me, er, various things and that everything...


Did he?

Dr. Nostrum

...everything that was wrong with me was 'growing pains' (pause - laughs) that's quite, you know... (pause)


I wonder if you get gro'in pains in your groin (pronounced gro-in)?

Dr. Nostrum

(silence – of the tumbleweed blowing across the tundra type) Gro'in? (more silence) Mm. (a pause to recover the will to live, then) Didn't you have that? Didn't you have parents telling you everything wrong with you was 'growing pains', anything that hurt anywhere?



Dr. Nostrum

Oh, I guess that's why I was...


What, you slammed your fin.. slammed your thumb in the door – "That's growing pains son."

Dr. Nostrum

Well it is isn't it? In some ways, in some indirect way it is a growing pain isn't it?

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