Sunday, 18 January 2009

All Talk 9 - Babies are Shaman - Kawnholer’s Theorum


Dr. Nostrum

Do you remember that lab assistant – Natalia Coochy-Coochy? Yeah?


Yeah, of course I remember her.

Dr. Nostrum

She, er, she nicked my Carlos Catenada book, the first book.


Oh, well, there you go.

Dr. Nostrum

There you go – cos she wanted to get into Castenada I think.

Hutchback (deeply ambivalent)


Dr. Nostrum

It's something you.. Castenada is something you leave behind.


Yes, absolutely

Dr. Nostrum

I just had a feeling that our dear friend Dr. Kawnholer was trying to prove somehow that Castenada works.

Hutchback (amazed)


Dr. Nostrum

I'm not sure where I got that from...


No he wasn't...

Dr. Nostrum

...was that years and years ago?


...why was he trying to prove that?

Dr. Nostrum

Not prove it.. I don't know, I've got this all mixed up, but, erm...


No he's not, he's doing Child Psychology.

Dr. Nostrum

I know, but you see, children are cross-eyed.

Hutchback (laughs mockingly at the very idea)

What, are they? All Children are...

Dr. Nostrum

All babies are cross-eyed.


That's cause they can only focus on things that close to...

Dr. Nostrum

But – are they seeing what Castenada saw?


No they're not! Looking at the world cross-eyed, you don't see parallel universes!

Dr. Nostrum

Mm, no.


It's not like they're just like, there.

Dr. Nostrum

No, but anyway...


Sorry, for podcast listeners, er, I just pointed slightly to the left and to the right of me.

Dr. Nostrum

(correcting Hutchback on the location of parallel universes) Not far in front of your face.


See, I'm being professional now.

Dr. Nostrum

Not far in front of your face.


This is being professional. A good face for radio...

Dr. Nostrum

I actually thought that..


There's a good face for radio, Jesus, that dog, look at that.

Dr. Nostrum

He's got one of those bra's on, one of those muzzle bras, what are they called?

Hutchback (unsure what the hell Nostrum is talking about)


Dr. Nostrum

...The car bras. Oh no he doesn't, it's just a black face. (pause) Does he have a muzzle on?


He does have a muzzle on.

Dr. Nostrum

Shame for them – imagine if people had to do that.


Yeah. (beat) There's another one, with a sort of..

Dr. Nostrum

He hasn't got a muzzle on – the other one.



Dr. Nostrum

(beat) Anyway, I thought that what Kawnholer was trying to do – dear Kawnholer – was something to do with, erm, babies not seeing the same...

Hutchback (more mocking)

With proving that babies are...

Dr. Nostrum

...didn't see the same reality...



Dr. Nostrum us.


...Indian Shaman. At Birth. And then they lose it (pause) by the age of 4. Yeah.

Dr. Nostrum

Something like that!

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