Saturday 17 January 2009

BROWN SAVES WORLD! (Er, not really)


That (NEW) Financial Rescue Plan in full:

We will invent even more shitloads of money (that will never see the light of day, with the exception of some lining deep pockets, because that'll fuck everything up) and buy into the banks to secure your money. If the banks fold we will be absolutely completely fucked because then you will have no money to pay for the money we are inventing at the moment.

This way we can all carry on borrowing money until the (ever closer) end of our Civilisation!!

I have however invented something called DR NOSTRUM'S ALTERNATIVE. Under this plan we kiss goodbye to our improving standard of living and quite probably end up reminiscing about luxuries such as meat 3 times a day and hot water. The key element to this plan is to carry on borrowing money until the (ever closer) end of our Civilisation.

Oh, that's the same plan.

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